Acharya and sages of Horashashtra Implemented Ashtakvarg to know shubh ashubh fruits of karmas.As per shruti parampara sakshat MAHADEVJI invented the Rahasya of Ashtakvarg and then Parasara,Yavan,Vadrayan maharshi and Acharya gave major importance and pratistha to Ashtakvarg..
As per astrology all Seven planets along with Lagna is considered thus seven plsnets and Lagna together Eight vargs are indicated and This Sarthak Is Called “Ashtakvarg”
In it unity of all varg ie suryashtak,Chandrashtak,Mangalashtak,Lagnashtak,Budhashtak,Shukrashtsk,Shaniashtak,Guruashtak are called ‘Sarvastakvarg’ which gives sukshmata in faladesh.In Natal chart if any planet is in shubh or in shubh aspect or in own or xhalted so how it wil fructify and wat wil b its Ratio Can be judged from Ashtskvarg.
Longitivity and event time can be judged from Ashtakvarg.
For eg..say in mesh lagna venus in tauras in two diffrent charts nd it is dhunyog but one is in limited wealth or say Not un good financial status nd other one is dealing in crores when checked in Ashtakvarg one without wealth have only 1 bindu and another with wealth have 8 bindus wich made difference in natives financial condition.
Ashtakvarg reading is best to see sukshma analysis of dasa antardasa planet as well for Transit planets also.I personally follow this methid for clear vision along with chart study and found it very effective and accurate..
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